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Page de test de sticky block
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Merci! — JF
This is a « cover » with a sticky button.
It has a sticky block containing a buttons box with a single button.
The button has a z-index over 100.
Scroll down until you encounter the other « covers » below, and align the floating button to them. You won’t be able to click the button’s link. However, it works when it is overlaid atop other types of elements.
Scroll down until you encounter the other « covers » below, and align the button to them.
This is a hyperlink. Keep scrolling!
Below is where it breaks!
Align the button over this image
Click to learn more
Some details here
It won’t allow you to click it…
Click to learn more
Some details here
Even though the sticky block’s z-index is 111
Click to learn more
Some fancy details here